Masterclass: 30th of October - 1st of November, 2015

A week of masterclasses Répertoire: German Lied and French art song.
30th of October - 1st of November, 2015. |
The working sessions
Gerda Hartman and John Whitelaw will work individually and will exchange ideas with each duo on the fusion of the musical and the poetic text, the dramatic declamation of both parts, the expressive function of the harmonic writing and the profound interaction between piano and voice.
An interesting aspect of the work will be the comparison of the different settings of the same poem by each of these three composers.
We also propose to work with each duo on the construction of a recital program around these works.
We welcome
Advanced students, young professionals and professionals already working as a duo.
Each duo will receive 2 work sessions per day.
Please prepare at least 6 works chosen from the above repertoire.
Duos who are preparing for the Lied -Duo competition Nadia and Lili Boulanger in Paris,
or the preliminary rounds for the Lied- Duo competition in 's-Hertogenbosch (or any other)
may present three German Lieder by other composers in addition to their chosen program
for our course in Burgundy.
Please communicate the titles and composers of this additional choice
along with your inscription before the 5th of October 2015.
To help us know more about you, send us your curriculum vitae, a photo,
and a recording of at least two German Lieder, via the contact page.
We would prefer a recording made by the duo that is applying for the course.
Your application must be received by
the 5th of October, 2015.
You will be informed as to your acceptance by the 9th of October, 2015.
We can accept a maximum of 4 duos.
300€ per person, covering:
Tuition - 3 days - October 30 to November 1, 2015.
Lodging (2 persons /room) 4 nights, (October 29 - November 1)
Meals in the atmosphere of our private home.
After acceptance, the fee should be paid before the 20th of October 2015 by cheque labelled to:
" Les Quatre Saisons d'Epineau." and mailed to our postal address :
Les Quatre Saisons d'Epineau, c/o Hartman-Whitelaw,
15, Impasse de la Liberté
F-89400 Epineau-les-Voves
You may also send a Bank Transfer to our International Bank Account Number:
IBAN: FR65 2004 1010 0411 5714 5E02 528
Bank Identifier Code: PSSTFRPPDIJ
Your inscription will be confirmed immediately upon reception.
We will not be able to reimburse the fee in case of last-minute cancellation.
Schedule for the Session
Welcome to beautiful Burgundy.
Arrival Thursday evening, October 29 (between 19h-20h30) will be followed by a "getting-acquainted" meal.
Please notify us if you will arrive at a later hour.
Courses daily from 10h-13h and from 16h-19h in our music room.
Courses will be open to a limited public. Entry: Free. Reservation obligatory: 33(0)386.621180
A glass of wine at 18h will bring to a close the last day of teaching on the 1st of November, 2015.
Lieder from Goethe's "Wilhelm Meister"
Among the tone settings of the poems from Goethe's "Wilhelm Meister" are some of the most beautiful songs in the repertoire of the German Lied - the songs of Mignon, Philine and the Harper, mysterious travel companions of Wilhelm.
"Neither knows that Mignon is the Harper's child by his own sister.This is the sin that has sent him wandering crazed through the world, far from his native Italy. His songs are heavy with guilt and despair, pervaded with a gentle melancholy. Mignon's are full of secrecy, grief and yearning for her homeland, whereas Philine, the soubrette of the company, sings in a light-hearted and charming manner the most graceful and playfully flirtatious of songs."
(Text drawn from "The Songs of Hugo Wolf" by Eric Sams - Editions Faber and Faber
(Design of the picture Rose EPPLE, Berlin)
Practical Information
Direct train from Paris. Travelling time: 1h15. One train each hour.
Départure: Gare Paris/Bercy
Arrival: Gare Laroche Migennes.
Access by car:
From Paris: (150 km) A6, Exit no.18 "Joigny Toucy"
From Lyon: A6, Exit no.19 "Joigny Migennes"
For any further information you may need, call us at 00.33.(0)386.621180