Les quatre saisons d'Epineau

The Association « Les Quatre Saisons d'Epineau »
The Association « Les quatre Saisons d'Epineau », founded by Gerda Hartman and John Whitelaw is organizing artistic activities, master classes, round-table discussions, conferences and concerts, in order to contribute to the dynamic of the cultural life in Burgundy.
The intimate setting of these meetings will encourage the exchange of ideas regarding the subtle and complex aspects of artistic expression.
Coming events
- Conference by Jean Paul Agosti, painter and creator of 21 stained glass windows for "La Chapelle St. Joseph de Reims" - " L'Art de matérialiser la lumière céleste"
- Concert by John Whitelaw, harpsichord, "Portraits et Mouvements" (Couperin-Bach)
- A conference on French poetry
- Master classes on the Mozart Operas - Malcolm King (bass) and Gerda Hartman (soprano)
- Meeting Bernard Ollivier, Author of "La Route de la Soie – 12.000km. à pied en solitaire»
- Conference: Gerda Hartman, soprano: « The unraveling of the dream in the vocal works of Richard Strauss"
- "L'image du corps dans la gestuelle baroque" – Jocelyne Chaptal, Arts et Spectacles.
Supporting our Association
You have the possibility to support our activity by subscribing to one of our proposed formulas :
Active member: 25€ / year – donating member: 70€/year.
You may also send us a donation starting from 40€ as a complementary donation to your membership fee.
If you pay your taxes in France, this will allow you a tax reduction of 66% of the sum of your donation.
A donation of 100€ will then cost you only 34€.
Please make separate payments for your membership and your donation.
Upon demand, a tax receipt can be furnished.
Registered office
L'Association "Les Quatre Saisons d'Epineau"
15, Impasse de la Liberté,
89400 Epineau-les-Voves
Tél. : 03 86 62 11 80
For their support and encouragement, we would like to thank
Madame Ghislaine Bruneau, Maire d'Epineau-les-Voves
La Mairie d'Epineau –les-Voves
Le Père Thierry Debacker, Curé d'Epineau les Voves
Madame Micheline Galan-Durand, Présidente de l'Association « Les Amis de l'abbaye de Pontigny »
Monsieur Thierry Bouchier, Directeur du Conservatoire à rayonnement communal de Joigny
Monsieur Jean-Marc Demeuré, Responsable du Département vocale du CNSM de Paris
Martin Gester et Aline Zylberajch-Gester.
Les membres de L'Association.
For more information contact us.